Okay, we are all adults, we have all told a little lie or a little white lie. We tell our kids little white lies all the time, if you think you don't I can give you some examples that will make it very hard for you to win the argument.
Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Ferry
Need I go on?
But what about drunkin text, They say our drunkin outburst is our sober thoughts coming out, as a friend of mine said, Alcohol "that's why they call it liquid courage" (MW)
Another quote"
Alcohol stifles reasoning skills and contemplating repercussions. As a result, people are more likely, to tell the truth, while intoxicated, offering up brutally honest, unfiltered opinions. And without the fear of consequences, alcohol can give people the courage to do or say things they ordinarily wouldn't entertain.
"There's usually some version of one's true feelings that come out when one is drunk," Vranich said. "People dredge up feelings and sentiments from somewhere deep in their brains, so what one says or does certainly reflects what's going on deep down.
"A drunk mind speaks a sober heart". (MW)
Do I believe a text from someone you know is real and the truth? Yes I do, I have done it myself, I have had people I did not care for that are friends of friends or worked with I did not care for because of who they are or for something they have done, but I treat them with respect our of respect for the mutual friends or because I have to work with them and do not want to make it an uncomfortable workspace.
But when I used to drink I would go out with friends and get drunk, then if I saw these people I would simply tell them what I thought of them and why, because alcohol gave me "Liquid Courage" to say it to them, I told them why I did not like them or what they had done to make me think less of them, Most of them understood and was actually glad I told them, then we either became friends or made a pact that we understood each other and would not let it interfere with our mutual friends or change things in the work environment. But what's interesting to see is when two people are drunk and they tell each other their sober thoughts, it can be very comical especially if they become friends out of the deal, but then sometimes it can become violent and a fight will start and then it becomes everyone's problem.
It is the same way for women as it is for men, I have seen relationships start because a man will like a woman but is too scared to tell them or know they are in a bad relationship and want to help them but are afraid they will not take the help or like them that way, but alcohol will bring out the truth, the man will tell the women what he thinks when he is drunk, he will go for it all, he will let it all out and take the chance, It is the same for women, they will do the exact same thing, with other women and men.
We all have secrets and there I a 100% chance you will tell all after filling up with liquid courage, We tell all our deepest darkest secrets when drunk,
I bring up this quote again: "There's usually some version of one's true feelings that come out when one is drunk," Vranich said. "People dredge up feelings and sentiments from somewhere deep in their brains, so what one says or does certainly reflects what's going on deep down". Whether it is: guilt, anger, fear, love, jealousy, one of these forms of emotions will rise up and come out with alcohol. So Yes my opinion is our sober thoughts are our drunkin outburst, we say what we mean or have wanted to say that is kept inside us builds up waiting to get out, Then BAM alcohol comes along and says let's do it, let's tell them all how we really feel or what we really think. Sometimes it works out for the best and sometimes it causes more drama.
In my honest opinion, be honest upfront, Tell people if you have a problem with them, how they act, or if they did something that you feel was not right, tell that woman or man how you feel about them. if you are honest right off the bat, then you will not have to worry about going out drinking and blurting it out and making a scene, It may just let you relax and enjoy drinking a little more that way.
Thank you to Malissa (My sweetheart) for all your info and for sending me stuff on the behaviors of alcohol on people and their feelings, I could not have done this without you.
And yes she will be a big part of my blogs from now on, This will be a team blog from this day forward. you are AWESOME and my ROCK STAR.
Thank You for reading and as always fill out the form on my page here and send me your thoughts, I will read it all, and if it is something of value or a good question I will answer you, or any pros and cons I will add it to the blog and republish it with your comments.
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